Results for 'Emma M. Whitham'

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  1.  43
    Constitutive spectral EEG peaks in the gamma range: suppressed by sleep, reduced by mental activity and resistant to sensory stimulation.Tyler S. Grummett, Sean P. Fitzgibbon, Trent W. Lewis, Dylan DeLosAngeles, Emma M. Whitham, Kenneth J. Pope & John O. Willoughby - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  2.  9
    Foundation Studies in Education: Justifications and New Directions.Emma M. Cappelluzzo - 1974 - Educational Studies 5 (3):129-132.
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    The eumeniDes and history M. Braun: Die eumeniden Des aischylos und der areopag . (Classica monacensia 19.) pp. 261. Tübingen: Gunter Narr verlag tübingen, 1998. Paper. Isbn: 3-8233-4878-. [REVIEW]Emma M. Griffiths - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (01):10-.
  4.  81
    A. Moreau: Mythes grecs I, Origines. Publié avec le concours du Centre d’Études et de Recherches sur les Civilisations antiques de la Méditerranée et du Conseil Scientifique de l’Université Paul-Valéry. Pp. 264, ills. Montpellier: Université Paul-Valéry, 1999. Paper, frs. 120. ISBN: 2-84269-239-X. - O. Strid: Die Dryoper. Eine Untersuchung der Überlieferung. Pp. 126, map, figs. Uppsala: Uppsala University Library, 1999. Paper. ISBN: 91-554-4497-0. [REVIEW]Emma M. Griffiths - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (1):175-176.
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Robert F. Bieler, Paul B. Pederson, Robert L. Church, N. Ray Hiner, Edward J. Power, Michael J. Parsons, Stewart E. Fraser, June T. Fox, Monroe C. Beardsley, Richard Gambino, Richard D. Mosier, David Lawson, Frederick C. Gruber, David L. Kirp, Russell L. Curtis, Jerry Miner, Geneva Gay, Phillip C. Smith & Emma M. Capelluzzo - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (2):99-112.
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    The Association Between Relationship Events and Experiences and Partner Evaluations: An Ideal Standards Perspective.Susan Chesterman, Gery C. Karantzas & Emma M. Marshall - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Drawing on the Ideal Standards Model, the current study investigated whether the relationship events and experiences that occur on a given day in romantic relationships were associated with partner evaluations. Individuals in a current romantic relationship completed daily measures of positive and negative relationship events and experiences and partner evaluations for seven consecutive days. As hypothesized, findings demonstrated that on a given day negative relationship events and experiences were associated with evaluating partners as falling short of mate ideals, while positive (...)
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Donald B. Cochrane, Richard L. Hopkins, Harold J. Franz, Richard L. Warren, Emma M. Cappelluzzo, Richard C. Alterman, Joseph L. Devitis, Gary D. Fenstermacher, David J. Vold & John R. Thelin - 1983 - Educational Studies 14 (4):364-399.
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    Academic integrity and contract cheating policy analysis of colleges in Ontario, Canada.Emma J. Thacker, Jennifer Miron, Sarah Elaine Eaton & Brenda M. Stoesz - 2019 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 15 (1).
    In this study, we analyzed the academic integrity policies of colleges in Ontario, Canada, casting a specific lens on contract cheating. We extracted data from 28 individual documents from 22-publicly-funded colleges including policies and procedures (n = 27) and code of conduct (n = 1). We analyzed the characteristics of the documents from three perspectives: (a) document type and titles; (b) policy language; and (c) policy principles. Then we examined five core elements of the documentation including (a) access; (b) approach; (...)
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  9.  47
    Teaching with the C3 Framework: Surveying teachers׳ beliefs and practices.Emma S. Thacker, John K. Lee & Adam M. Friedman - 2017 - Journal of Social Studies Research 41 (2):89-100.
    The C3 Framework encourages ambitious inquiry-based social studies teaching. While inquiry is regularly recommended as a preferred pedagogy, research has shown that social studies teachers rarely engage students in inquiry. This exploratory study surveyed social studies teachers in one school district in a southeastern state to update our understanding of teachers’ instructional beliefs and practices related to inquiry and the C3 Framework. Survey responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics and open coding. Findings indicate that the majority of teachers use instructional (...)
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  10. Discovering Moravian history : the many times and sources of an unknown land, 1830-1860.Emma Hagström Molin - 2022 - In Anders Ekström & Staffan Bergwik, Times of history, times of nature: temporalization and the limits of modern knowledge. New York: Berghahn.
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  11.  23
    Erratum to: Genetic Research and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.Emma Kowal, Glenn Pearson, Lobna Rouhani, Chris S. Peacock, Sarra E. Jamieson & Jenefer M. Blackwell - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (3):403-403.
    Erratum to: Bioethical InquiryDOI 10.1007/s11673-012-9391-xLobna Rouhani, University of Melbourne, is a co-author of the article “Genetic Research and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians” (2012, 419–432) that was published in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry’s 9(4) symposium “Cases and Culture.” Her name was omitted from the publication and she should be credited as the third author of this article.
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    The Flight From God; Homo Viator.M. Holmes Hartshorne, Max Picard, J. M. Cameron, Gabriel Marcel, Marianne Kuschnitsky & Emma Craufurd - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (1):133.
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    Editorial: Autism: Innovations and Future Directions in Psychological Research.Emma Gowen, Laura Crane & Christine M. Falter-Wagner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Genetic Research and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.Emma Kowal, Glenn Pearson, Chris S. Peacock, Sarra E. Jamieson & Jenefer M. Blackwell - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (4):419-432.
    While human genetic research promises to deliver a range of health benefits to the population, genetic research that takes place in Indigenous communities has proven controversial. Indigenous peoples have raised concerns, including a lack of benefit to their communities, a diversion of attention and resources from non-genetic causes of health disparities and racism in health care, a reinforcement of “victim-blaming” approaches to health inequalities, and possible misuse of blood and tissue samples. Drawing on the international literature, this article reviews the (...)
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  15.  52
    Effects of age on metacognitive efficiency.Emma C. Palmer, Anthony S. David & Stephen M. Fleming - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 28:151-160.
  16.  55
    Self-referential memory in autism spectrum disorder and typical development: Exploring the ownership effect.Emma Grisdale, Sophie E. Lind, Madeline J. Eacott & David M. Williams - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:133-141.
  17.  66
    Reporting of informed consent, standard of care and post-trial obligations in global randomized intervention trials: A systematic survey of registered trials.Emma R. M. Cohen, Jennifer M. O'neill, Michel Joffres, Ross E. G. Upshur & Edward Mills - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (2):74-80.
    Objective: Ethical guidelines are designed to ensure benefits, protection and respect of participants in clinical research. Clinical trials must now be registered on open-access databases and provide details on ethical considerations. This systematic survey aimed to determine the extent to which recently registered clinical trials report the use of standard of care and post-trial obligations in trial registries, and whether trial characteristics vary according to setting. Methods: We selected global randomized trials registered on and We searched for intervention (...)
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  18.  28
    Information Safety Assurances Increase Intentions to Use COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications, Regardless of Autonomy-Supportive or Controlling Message Framing.Emma L. Bradshaw, Richard M. Ryan, Michael Noetel, Alexander K. Saeri, Peter Slattery, Emily Grundy & Rafael Calvo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Promoting the use of contact tracing technology will be an important step in global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Across two studies, we assessed two messaging strategies as motivators of intended contact tracing uptake. In one sample of 1117 Australian adults and one sample of 888 American adults, we examined autonomy-supportive and controlling message framing and the presence or absence of information safety as predictors of intended contact tracing application uptake, using an online randomized 2 × 2 experimental design. The (...)
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  19.  6
    Lärda samtal: en festskrift till Erland Sellberg.Erland Sellberg, Emma Hagström Molin & Andreas Hellerstedt (eds.) - 2014 - Lund: Ellerströms.
    Respublica literaria, eller de lärdes republik, är ett begrepp som framför allt förknippas med de nya former för vetenskaplig kommunikation och lärda nätverk som introducerades vid slutet av 1600-talet och som sedan kom att spela en betydelsefull roll i 1700-talets intellektuella värld. Denna tänkta gemenskap av lärda är central för vår förståelse av den tidigmoderna epokens idé-, kultur- och vetenskapshistoria. Lärdomsrepubliken var ett ideal för de lärdas verksamhet, ett slags kunskapsproducerandets utopi, där den ideala kommunikationen präglades av jämlikhet, rationalitet och (...)
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  20.  20
    Self-Report Measures of Procrastination Exhibit Inconsistent Concurrent Validity, Predictive Validity, and Psychometric Properties.Lisa Vangsness, Nathaniel M. Voss, Noelle Maddox, Victoria Devereaux & Emma Martin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:784471.
    Procrastination is a chronic and widespread problem; however, emerging work raises questions regarding the strength of the relationship between self-reported procrastination and behavioral measures of task engagement. This study assessed the internal reliability, concurrent validity, predictive validity, and psychometric properties of 10 self-report procrastination assessments using responses collected from 242 students. Participants’ scores on each self-report instrument were compared to each other using correlations and cluster analysis. Lasso estimation was used to test the self-report scores’ ability to predict two behavioral (...)
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  21.  49
    Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Hypermobility Type: Impact of Somatosensory Orthoses on Postural Control.Emma G. Dupuy, Pascale Leconte, Elodie Vlamynck, Audrey Sultan, Christophe Chesneau, Pierre Denise, Stéphane Besnard, Boris Bienvenu & Leslie M. Decker - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  22. Discovering Moravian history : the many times and sources of an unknown land, 1830-1860.Emma Hagström Molin - 2022 - In Anders Ekström & Staffan Bergwik, Times of history, times of nature: temporalization and the limits of modern knowledge. New York: Berghahn.
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    Expanding the Map of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aspirations Using Network Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling: Examining Four New Aspirations.Frank Martela, Emma L. Bradshaw & Richard M. Ryan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Life goals or aspirations can be distinguished as intrinsic or extrinsic, with different implications for well-being. In this study we used network analysis to reexamine this intrinsic-extrinsic distinction, illustrating how novel candidate aspirations can be mapped along this dimension using innovative methods. We identify four previously unexamined life aspirations, predicting that aspiring for power and social adherence would group with extrinsic goals, whereas aspiring for self-expression and mastery would group with intrinsic goals. In two samples (n = 196; n = (...)
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  24.  76
    Functional connectomics from resting-state fMRI.Stephen M. Smith, Diego Vidaurre, Christian F. Beckmann, Matthew F. Glasser, Mark Jenkinson, Karla L. Miller, Thomas E. Nichols, Emma C. Robinson, Gholamreza Salimi-Khorshidi & Mark W. Woolrich - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (12):666-682.
  25.  33
    Cognitive Evolution and the Transmission of Popular Narratives: A Literature Review and Application to Urban Legends.Jamshid J. Tehrani, Emma G. Flynn & Joseph M. Stubbersfield - 2017 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (1):121-136.
    Recent research into cultural transmission suggests that humans are disposed to learn, remember, and transmit certain types of information more easily than others, and that any information that is passed between people will be subjected to cognitive selective pressures that alter the content and structure so as to make it maximally transmittable. This paper presents a review of emerging research on content biases in cultural evolution with relevance to the transmission of popular narratives. This is illustrated with content analysis of (...)
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  26.  32
    Non-human Animals as Research Participants: Ethical Practice in Animal Assisted Interventions and Research in Aotearoa/New Zealand.Catherine M. Smith, Emma Tumilty, Peter Walker & Gareth J. Treharne - 2018 - In Catriona Ida Macleod, Jacqueline Marx, Phindezwa Mnyaka & Gareth J. Treharne, The Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 99-115.
    In this chapter we outline the need to develop ethical frameworks to guide research on the role of animal-orientated health, therapeutic, and service interventions. We discuss findings from our research on uses of animals in therapeutic settings and benefits of human–canine interactions for human health. These stories from the field reveal that current ethics review processes do not recognise the animal as an equal partner in the potential reciprocal benefits and risks of therapeutic human–animal relationships. We explore how these review (...)
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    Neurodevelopmental Precursors and Consequences of Substance Use during Adolescence: Promises and Pitfalls of Longitudinal Neuroimaging Strategies.Diana H. Fishbein, Emma J. Rose, Valerie L. Darcey, Annabelle M. Belcher & John W. VanMeter - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  28.  12
    Early AI Lifecycle Co-Reasoning: Ethics Through Integrated and Diverse Team Science.Danielle M. Pacia, Vardit Ravitsky, Jan N. Hansen, Emma Lundberg, Wade Schulz & Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):86-88.
    In their target article, Salloch and Eriksen (2024) argue that a “meaningful process of interrogating” between physicians and patients is the most appropriate way to evaluate medical AI, supporting...
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    Modernizing Relationship Therapy through Social Thermoregulation Theory: Evidence, Hypotheses, and Explorations.Hans IJzerman, Emma C. E. Heine, Saskia K. Nagel & Tila M. Pronk - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Validating a Self-Report Measure of Student Athletes’ Perceived Stress Reactivity: Associations With Heart-Rate Variability and Stress Appraisals.Darren M. Britton, Emma J. Kavanagh & Remco C. J. Polman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The development of metacognitive ability in adolescence.Sarah-Jayne Blakemore Leonora G. Weil, Stephen M. Fleming, Iroise Dumontheil, Emma J. Kilford, Rimona S. Weil, Geraint Rees, Raymond J. Dolan - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):264.
    Introspection, or metacognition, is the capacity to reflect on our own thoughts and behaviours. Here, we investigated how one specific metacognitive ability develops in adolescence, a period of life associated with the emergence of self-concept and enhanced self-awareness. We employed a task that dissociates objective performance on a visual task from metacognitive ability in a group of 56 participants aged between 11 and 41 years. Metacognitive ability improved significantly with age during adolescence, was highest in late adolescence and plateaued going (...)
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  32.  19
    Emerging Roles of Clinical Ethicists.Margot M. Eves, David M. Chooljian, Susan McCammon, Debjani Mukherjee, Emma Tumilty & Jeffrey S. Farroni - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (3):262-269.
    Debates regarding clinical ethicists’ scope of practice are not novel and will continue to evolve. Rapid changes in healthcare delivery, outcomes, and expectations have necessitated flexibility in clinical ethicists’ roles whereby hospital-based clinical ethicists are expected to be woven into the institutional fabric in a way that did not exist in more traditional relationships. In this article we discuss three emerging roles: the ethicist embedded in the interdisciplinary team, the ethicist with an expanded educational mandate, and the ethicist as a (...)
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  33. A Path Analysis of Adolescent Athletes’ Perceived Stress Reactivity, Competition Appraisals, Emotions, Coping, and Performance Satisfaction.Darren M. Britton, Emma J. Kavanagh & Remco C. J. Polman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Introduction to Progress and Puzzles of Cognitive Science.Rick Dale, Ruth M. J. Byrne, Emma Cohen, Ophelia Deroy, Samuel J. Gershman, Janet H. Hsiao, Ping Li, Padraic Monaghan, David C. Noelle, Iris van Rooij, Priti Shah, Michael J. Spivey & Sashank Varma - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (7):e13480.
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    A Right to Privacy and Confidentiality: Ethical Medical Care for Patients in United States Immigration Detention.Amanda M. Gutierrez, Jacob D. Hofstetter, Emma L. Dishner, Elizabeth Chiao, Dilreet Rai & Amy L. McGuire - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):161-168.
    Recently, John Doe, an undocumented immigrant who was detained by United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, was admitted to a hospital off-site from a detention facility. Custodial officers accompanied Mr. Doe into the exam room and refused to leave as physicians examined him. In this analysis, we examine the ethical dilemmas this case brings to light concerning the treatment of patients in immigration detention and their rights to privacy. We analyze what US law and immigration detention standards allow regarding immigration (...)
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  36.  18
    Iamblichus, De mysteriis. Iamblichus, Emma C. Clarke, John M. Dillon & Jackson P. Hershbell - 2004 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Emma C. Clarke, John M. Dillon & Jackson P. Hershbell.
    On the text and translation of the De mysteriis -- Iamblichus the man -- The De mysteriis : a defence of theurgy, and an answer to Porphyry's letter to Anebo -- Iamblichus's knowledge of Egyptian religion and mythology -- The nature and contents of De mysteriis -- Iamblichus, De mysteriis : text and translation.
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    Development and Pilot Testing of Standardized Food Images for Studying Eating Behaviors in Children.Samantha M. R. Kling, Alaina L. Pearce, Marissa L. Reynolds, Hugh Garavan, Charles F. Geier, Barbara J. Rolls, Emma J. Rose, Stephen J. Wilson & Kathleen L. Keller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Language enables the acquisition of distinct sensorimotor memories for speech.Daniel R. Lametti, Emma D. Wheeler, Samantha Palatinus, Imane Hocine & Douglas M. Shiller - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):106010.
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  39.  20
    Leadership as service: developing a character education program for university students in Spain.Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Lleó, Vianney Domingo & José M. Torralba - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (2):209-227.
    This paper describes the development and implementation of a character education program at the University of Navarra. The Leadership as Service Program has been developed in collaboration with the Oxford Character Project, and has adapted its Global Leadership Initiative to the Spanish context. The purpose of the Leadership as Service Program is to help students develop a sense of personal purpose, and virtues that are specific to leadership, such as prudence, humility, gratitude, resilience, and service. The methodology of the program (...)
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    Think local, act global: How do fragmented representations of space allow seamless navigation?Paul A. Dudchenko, Emma R. Wood & Roderick M. Grieves - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):548 - 549.
    In this commentary, we highlight a difficulty for metric navigation arising from recent data with grid and place cells: the integration of piecemeal representations of space in environments with repeated boundaries. Put simply, it is unclear how place and grid cells might provide a global representation of distance when their fields appear to represent repeated boundaries within an environment. One implication of this is that the capacity for spatial inferences may be limited.
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    Ethical judgments of poverty depictions in the context of charity advertising.Shannon M. Duncan, Emma E. Levine & Deborah A. Small - 2024 - Cognition 245 (C):105735.
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    If you love me when I'm breathing; you don't love me when I'm dead?Emma Minkley - 2023 - Kronos 49 (1):1-14.
    This article looks to the form of the puppet, both an oral and aural entity, as a receptacle or instrument which allows for a ventriloquism to take place in partnership with the puppeteer. In the work of South African Handspring Puppet Company, the puppet is a receptacle for sound, but also for the human body itself - a chamber within a chamber - highlighting the instrumentalisation of the body. In this regard, the article looks to Handspring's I Love You When (...)
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    Comprehensive STD/HIV Prevention Education Targeting US Adolescents: review of an ethical dilemma and proposed ethical framework. [REVIEW]Emma J. Brown & Edith M. Simpson - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (4):339-349.
    Adolescents are increasingly at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The prolonged latency period, sometimes in excess of five years, and the incubation period of up to 10 years before the manifestation of symptoms, may foster adolescents’ false sense of invincibility and denial as they often do not see the devastating effects of the disease in their peers until they are older. In turn, their practice of safer sex may be hindered and thereby contribute (...)
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    Correction: Leadership as service: developing a character education program for university students in Spain.Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Lleó, Vianney Domingoa & José M. Torralba - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (2):331-332.
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    Social Emotional Learning Competencies in Belize Children: Psychometric Validation Through Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling.Krystal M. Hinerman, Darrell M. Hull, Emma I. Näslund-Hadley & Mehri Mirzaei Rafe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In the nation of Belize, and in particular the south side of Belize City, the main metropolitan area of the nation, significant economic disparities have led to child and adolescent exposure to high rates of violent crime, gang activity, unsafe neighborhoods, sexual, and physical violence. Problems associated with poor Social-Emotional Character Development are especially prevalent among boys. Consequently, valid culture-relevant measures are required that identify problematic behavior for policy-based intervention and evaluation of educational programs designed to ameliorate this problem. The (...)
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  46.  33
    Asclepius. Volume I: Collection of Testimonies. Volume II: Interpretation of the Testimonies.Ivan M. Linforth, Emma J. & Ludwig Edelstein - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (2):210.
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  47.  28
    When Do Epidemics End? Scientific Insights from Mathematical Modelling Studies.Natalie M. Linton, Francesca A. Lovell-Read, Emma Southall, Hyojung Lee, Andrei R. Akhmetzhanov, Robin N. Thompson & Hiroshi Nishiura - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (1):31-60.
    Quantitative assessments of when infectious disease outbreaks end are crucial, as resources targeted towards outbreak responses typically remain in place until outbreaks are declared over. Recent improvements and innovations in mathematical approaches for determining when outbreaks end provide public health authorities with more confidence when making end-of-outbreak declarations. Although quantitative analyses of outbreaks have a long history, more complex mathematical and statistical methodologies for analysing outbreak data were developed early in the 20th century and continue to be refined. Historically, such (...)
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    Slave Narratives and Epistemic Injustice.Kevin M. Graham, Anaja Arthur, Hannah Frazer, Ali Griswold, Emma Kitteringham, Quinlyn Klade & Jaliya Nagahawatte - 2022 - Social Philosophy Today 38:83-97.
    Epistemic injustice is defined by Miranda Fricker as injustice done to people specifically in their capacities as knowers. Fricker argues that this injustice can be either testimonial or hermeneutical in character. A hearer commits testimonial injustice against a speaker by assigning unfairly little credibility to the speaker’s testimony. Hermeneutical injustice exists in a society when the society lacks the concepts necessary for members of a group to understand their social experiences. We argue that epistemic injustice is necessary to permit the (...)
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    Xenophontisches und Platonisches Bild des Sokrates.G. M. A. Grube & Emma Edelstein - 1937 - American Journal of Philology 58 (2):243.
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    Literature and Character Education in Universities. Theory, Method, and Text Analysis.Edward Brooks, Emma Cohen de Lara, Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz & José M. Torralba (eds.) - 2021 - Routledge.
    Literature and Character Education in Universities presents the potential of literary and philosophical texts for character education in modern universities. The book engages with theoretical and practical aspects of character development in higher education, combining conceptual discussion of the role of literature in character education with applied case studies from university classrooms. Character education within the academic context of the university presents unique challenges and opportunities. Literature and Character Education in Universities presents perspectives from academics in Europe, the USA and (...)
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